Editorial Team

Emmanuel Udom-Managing Editor, Stephen Dijo Philemon-Deputy Editor, Janet Udom-Senior Correspondent, Precious Udom-Senior Correspondent, Williams Ita-Bureau Chief(Akwa Ibom/Cross River), Fabian Idoko-Senior Correspondent

    Manufacturer's Representative Import Export General Merchandise Contract Adress: Araromi Quarters, Owode Area, Ifo, Ogun state, Nigeria P.O.Box 2632, Oshiodi, Lagos Telephone: 2348166719412

    Monday 16 February 2015

    Creating wealth from real estate business deals

    By Precious Udom
     Before I begin my article, let me say here and now that anywhere in the world, the business of real estate development is serious, painstaking, tasking, but lucrative and rewarding at the end.

    It is normal and legitimate as every valuable achievement comes with a price, lots of guts, sheer determination, passion, consistency and the never-give-up-spirit.

    This is what separates getters from quitters as far as the word success is concerned.

    You see my friend, for you to reap bountiful returns on your investments; you have got to be a patience dog and a visionary person with a long term goal in mind.

    This is because unlike the capital market, where budding investors could enter and exist at their whims and caprices, you need to be pains-staking to wait for the incubation period on your investments to ripe

    Nurturing, development, achievements, engine room of the economy, self-fulfillment, job creation, are some of the words or phrases that comes to my mind at this point as I write this.

     I know you too will add passion and zeal. The list could be endless, but the fact is that for a patience investor, real state is the business to be
    The incubation period could translate to bountiful gains in millions, or even billions of naira or to other currencies, if from the planning stage, you have got the right mix.
     Take Nigeria for instance; with a population of about 160 million people, about 80 percent of these numbers living in rural areas the market is there
    Abuja, Lagos, Calabar, Port Harcourt, Kano and Kaduna, from experience, are some of the most lucrative places in the country. Make your independent findings.

    So, with money sourced from the capital market, banks, corporative societies, mortgage banks, loans from friends, savings, as well as housing schemes, enter the business with a clear cut blueprint, possible crafted by a property consultant and  contribute your quota to the development of our dear country, Nigeria

    Take Lagos for instance, depending on the area, a N20 million investments in real estate could in the next five to seven years yield about N70million and result in a number of persons being employed, revenue for government, as well as reduce the tally on the pressure of government at various levels to find jobs for jobless Nigerians.

    You do not have to accept hook, line and sinker what I have said here. Reach-out to your professional property consultant or persons versed in the business and take what ever they tell you as the gospel truth.

    There are credible websites where you could obtain current information on the sector. Yes, people source money from the capital market to build commercial houses across Nigeria.

    And when the global meltdown came, these persons crashed from grace to grass.  Relax, and be at peace with yourself for I know as well as you do that the meltdown was and still remain artificial and global and is gradually passing away

    Like investment in shares, acquisition of property, especially in lucrative areas or places are a kind of social security, a contributor to economic development of any country, developed or developing. 

    So, my brothers and sisters, beside the capital market, I honestly think, the real estate comes next in the scale.

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